OldToolUser's Tool Collection

stan_sets.jpg (37780 bytes) My hand tool collection can be divided into the following major groups:
Metal Planes are futher grouped as: Wooden Planes are grouped as:
Layout Tools are further grouped as: And finally the misc. groups are:





   The woodworking tool collection described herein consists mainly of user quality antique woodworking hand tools and more modern power woodworking tools and associated jigs. Many of the antique hand tools I have obtained required restoration proir to use. In some cases this involved not much more than putting a new edge on a cutting blade. In other cases where the tool was badly rusted and/or the jappaning is for the most part long gone">

OldToolUser's Tool Collection

stan_sets.jpg (37780 bytes) My hand tool collection can be divided into the following major groups:
Metal Planes are futher grouped as: Wooden Planes are grouped as:
Layout Tools are further grouped as: And finally the misc. groups are:





   The woodworking tool collection described herein consists mainly of user quality antique woodworking hand tools and more modern power woodworking tools and associated jigs. Many of the antique hand tools I have obtained required restoration proir to use. In some cases this involved not much more than putting a new edge on a cutting blade. In other cases where the tool was badly rusted and/or the jappaning is for the most part long gone, the restoration process could include a trip to the electrolysis tank prior to application of a new coat of paint or jappaning, lapping tool surfaces, as well as putting a new cutting edge on the tools blade or or replacing the blade completely with a new one. The processes of acquiring tools in such a bad state is denoted by some as "bottom-feeding". Given that, then I can be considered a bottom-feeder. In contrast you will also find some new hand tools mixed in at times as well as a few tools I obtained on the few times I drifted up from the bottom.

If you are driven to obtain an antique hand tool by the desire to use it then bottom-feeding and some restoration work can result is a fine user quality woodworking tool at a reasonable cost. In addition, more than once I have found marker's marks, including patent dates, after removing layers of rust or lacquer. This can help make up for the times when bottom-feeding results in acquistion of a tool that is beyond restoration for use. In general the tool after restoration to user quality will be worth more than it was when it was fed off the bottom, but if you consider the time involved I would hardly call it making money.

The power tools and associated jigs in the collection include the following